Three tips to write effective SEO headlines for news
In issue 06, we look at three things to consider when writing effective headlines for search.
Hello and welcome back to WTF is SEO!, a newsletter about search for news publishers. This week, it’s me, Jessie, looking at how to write great, SEO-friendly news headlines.
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Writing SEO-friendly headlines

This week, we’re talking about writing SEO-friendly headlines.
What’s in a headline?
Headlines are the most important part of your story. Ninety per cent of readers will only ever read your headline. Knowing how to optimize the headline for both a search engine and a human can be a fine line, but done well, can be extremely effective.
Why are news headlines important for search?
According to David Ogilvy, “five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.” If the only thing a person is only ever going to read is your headline, you want to make it count. For both SEO and reader reasons, it’s important to spend as much time considering your headlines for search as you would for A1 placement.
Headlines are captured in the H1 heading tag in your site’s HTML. As Shelby covered, a web page should only ever have one H1 heading tag, containing the most important piece of information.
A Title tag is the most important thing Google looks at to rank your page. If your Title tag is Your Headline + Your Brand (most content management systems will do this for you), then your headline, by default, is the most important thing you can control.
So even if the H1 tags don’t have a direct impact on your ranking, headlines do influence click-through rates (which does impact ranking).
Headlines tell Google the purpose of the page, and conveys to readers the context and meaning of the page. A well-written headline convinces readers to click and tell Google what your story is about.
Three tips for crafting effective SEO headlines
Here are three important tips to remember when crafting a headline for your story.
1. Headline length
Headlines should be under about 70 characters. However, on the search results page, Google will cut off a headline based on the pixel width (at 600 pixels in Google).

Try this: Harry and Meghan’s Oprah interview: 5 bombshells from the primetime event
2. Front-load your main-focus keywords
Based on the character and pixel limits, try to front-load headlines with the main-focus key word or phrase — but don’t overload or overwhelm your headlines with target keywords. This is keyword stuffing and it’s a no-no for Google. Identify your main key search phrase and maybe one secondary key word/phrase, and get them in at the beginning of the headline.
When readers scan your homepage or results in search, they will often only read part of a headline. Make the most of the first few words. Focus on getting the key takeaway at the front.

3. Hacks to help your headline
Here are six helpful hacks to consider when writing a headline:
Numbers: Numbers are a concrete way to set expectations for readers (what they can expect in a story), especially if your article has clear action items or takeaways. Odd numbers seem to do better (the human brain is a mystery!), and common figures (5, 7, 9, 15, etc), are great – though something unusual (79? Why not!) can catch someone’s eye, too.
Dates: Useful for search and conveying a particular, specific moment when something will happen. People will add the date (March 11, 2021), days (Monday to Sunday), or a recency (today, now, etc) when looking for recent or current news. Use those same phrases in your headline.
Questions/W5 words: Who, what, where, when, why. These trigger words are the bedrock questions your story needs to answer, so tease that information by asking a question in the headline itself. This can help set a reader’s expectations, so be sure your story delivers whatever question you set up in the headline (otherwise this is clickbait).
Top keywords and related keywords: Look at the phrases that send traffic to your site or story. Be sure to use those terms in related reporting.
Places: Where a story is happening. If the story is about a specific place/physical location – those words should be in the headline. Specificity is your friend here.
4. The most important headline hack
The most important headline hack: Write for a person. As important as headlines are for search, readers are audience and audience always matters more. Ensure headlines are descriptive of the article while considering SEO.
Clarity over tricks.
✔️ Action item: Look at the top headline(s) on your website. Run it through headline preview tools from Moz or SEOMofo. Ask yourself:
Is the character count under 90?
Are key search terms cut off?
Would you click this headline?
If the answer to the above is yes, you’re G2G.
🔗 Read more: 7 <title tag> hacks for increased rankings and traffic
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Shelby recently stumbled upon Kristina Azarenko’s Chrome extension that gives you all of your on-page SEO information (aka, your headline, title tag, description, canonical URL, etc.) in an easily digestible on-site tab. Easily one of the best methods to quickly know what’s on your page. Give it a try, and be sure to give Kristina a follow.
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The answer: YouTube
Written by Jessie Willms and Shelby Blackley.